DO- To prevent accidental flooding and other problems, keep the cap fastened on your basement clean-out trap.
- If you have a backup, call the sewer district first at 922-4922 to alert personnel to potential sewer main problems.
- Exercise caution when driving past sewer district work crews.
- Use only licensed and bonded plumbers or contractors to work on home plumbing.
- Dispose of only approved materials through the plumbing.
- When planning landscaping projects, avoid trees with shallow root systems, as they tend to grow toward sources of water like sewer pipes, causing blockages.
DON'T- Don't put anything into the sewer system that might obstruct pumps or pipelines.
- Female sanitary products, disposable diapers, cigarette butts and cotton tips should not be flushed down the toilet but wrapped and placed in trash receptacles.
- Don't put liquids or vapors with a temperature greater than 150 degrees or less than 32 degrees into the sewer system.
- Don't put any substances into the sewer system that may be hazardous, toxic or explosive. Solvents, pesticides, paint thinners, engine oil and other hazardous household products should not be poured down the drain but disposed of safely through the Town of Oyster Bay's STOP program – Stop Throwing Out Pollutants. Call 677-5748 for more information.
- Don't redirect storm water, roof runoff and/or surface and groundwater into the sanitary sewers.
- Refrain from pouring cooking grease or oils into sinks or toilets. These can build up into the sewage system and cause a backup.
Oyster Bay Sewer District Report
Produced by Ryan & Ryan PR, Inc.
Farmingdale, NY