NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified and registered voters of the OYSTER BAY SEWER DISTRICT in the Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau, State of New York, that an election will be held within said District, at the Administration Office of the Oyster Bay Sewer District, located at 15 Bay Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on Tuesday, December 8, 2009, between the hours of six (6:00) o'clock p.m. and nine (9:00) o'clock p.m., for the purpose of the elections of (a) a Sewer Commissioner for said District for a term of three (3) years beginning January 1, 2010 and expiring December 31, 2012. The incumbent, Joseph G. Pecora, P.E. is running for election.

Said election is called pursuant to Sections 211 and 212 of Article 13 of the Town Law of the State of New York.

Section 213 of the Town Law of the State of New York provides that no person shall be entitled to vote for improvement District Commissioners unless he or she is a registered voter who shall have resided in the improvement District for a period of thirty days next preceding any election of Commissioners. Pursuant to Subdivision 2 (a) of Section 213-a of the Town Law of the State of New York, only those persons registered with the Board of Elections on or before the 23rd day before such election and those persons whose names are placed on the improvement District register pursuant to the provisions of such Law, shall be entitled to vote in the Oyster Bay Sewer District Election.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Subdivision 20 of Section 215 of the Town Law of the State of New York, the Board of Commissioners of the Oyster Bay Sewer District has adopted a resolution providing that candidates for the office of Sewer Commissioner shall file their names with the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners at least thirty days prior to the date of the District election, and, in addition, such nomination must be submitted in petition form subscribed by twenty-five registered voters of the Oyster Bay Sewer District.

By Order of the Board of Sewer Commissioners of the Oyster Bay Sewer District.

Dated: Oyster Bay, NY
September 30, 2009